If you’ve made any extra repayments towards your loan, that money has built up in surplus – and you could redraw those extra repayments.
Keep in mind that redrawing your extra repayments will mean those surplus funds will no longer be reducing the interest on your loan.
If you have a home loan – see all the ways you could redraw your extra home loan repayments.
If you have a personal loan – you could redraw your extra repayments through the Bankwest App or Bankwest Online Banking.
If you’re currently paying more than the minimum amount, you can reduce your repayments to the minimum. You can change your scheduled payments in Bankwest Online Banking. However, if you have a periodical payment set up, you’ll need to contact us on 13 17 19.
Getting assistance as early as possible could take the pressure off and help you manage your finances.
Our Financial Assist team is dedicated to guiding you on the best approach on your current financial position.