Transferring your existing balances to a card with a lower interest rate can help you get on top of existing credit card balances. Check out how balance transfer offers work and what to consider.
2 minute read
Transferring your existing balances to a card with a lower interest rate can help you get on top of existing credit card balances. Check out how balance transfer offers work and what to consider.
2 minute read
When you transfer the balance you owe on your existing cards to another credit card with a different provider, this is known as a balance transfer.
In some situations, you'll be offered a lower interest rate on balance transfers for a set period of time – like 0% p.a. for 12 months. This can be useful for consolidating debt into one place, which can make working out monthly repayments and budgeting easier.
Just make sure you know what interest rate you'll be rolling on to once the offer period ends.
Understand what you can do to reduce your credit card debt in the most efficient way. If you have a transfer offer – and assuming you make no other purchases – you can divide the amount you've transferred by the number of months remaining on your offer and pay off as much of that as possible each month.
Consider closing your old credit card – this can help avoid unnecessary fees and will stop you from accruing more debt on that card.
Benefit from interest free days on your purchases when you have a balance transfer.
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