To estimate your surplus, just take your available balance and minus your next repayment from it. You can see your available balance when you check your account balance in Bankwest Online Banking and the Bankwest App.
You can redraw your surplus funds through the Bankwest App or Bankwest Online Banking.
Complete and return the Home Loan Access Withdrawal Authority form (PDF) to us by:
Complete and return the Home Loan Access Withdrawal Authority form (PDF) to us by:
Redraw is not available while an account is on a Fixed Rate. This feature will be available once the Fixed Rate term ends.
Eligible customers who receive a cashback payment into their Fixed Rate home loan account can access those funds upon request by completing the Home Loan Access Withdrawal Authority form (PDF). You can return it to us by:
If you’ve had a change to your personal circumstances, you may find it hard to keep up with your repayments. We’re here to help, and we could help you manage your loan repayments with a solution tailored to your situation.
If you're not sure how to use your redraw facility we can help. Message us in the app or online banking, or give us a call.
Talk to a Home Lending Specialist – when and where it suits you.