PayID Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance of the PayID Terms and Conditions

You agree to these PayID Terms and Conditions when you choose to register a PayID.

2. What is the PayID service?

The PayID service is a New Payment Platform (NPP) payment addressing service operated by NPP Australia Limited that enables a payer to make an NPP payment to a payee’s eligible nominated account via a PayID. A PayID is a smart address comprising an alternative identifier instead of a BSB and account number.

3. Participation in PayID

Participation in the PayID service is optional and Bankwest will not register a PayID for you without your consent. You consent to participation in the PayID service when you complete the PayID registration.

4. How to register your PayID

You can register a PayID by following instructions given to you via Bankwest Online Banking (either through the Bankwest website or mobile banking app). We will require you to use a single-use code (or similar) that we send to you for the purpose of registering a PayID.

During the PayID registration process we will notify you of each category of PayID type that you may register in connection with an eligible account (e.g. an Australian mobile phone number that you are authorised to operate). Log into Bankwest Online Banking to find out which of your accounts are eligible to have a PayID. A person who is an account signatory to an account (but not an account owner) cannot register a PayID to that account. By registering a PayID you acknowledge that you have the right to use your PayID in the PayID service. We may require you to verify your right to use the PayID. If you cannot verify this, the PayID will not be registered.

When you register your PayID, we will provide you with a choice of PayID names which will be based on the full legal name of your nominated account which, depending on the policy of a payer’s financial institution, may be displayed to payers who send payments to you.

A PayID can be registered to one account only. However, you may choose to register one or more PayIDs per account provided each PayID is unique. For example, you and a joint account holder each may register your separate Australian mobile phone numbers as PayIDs for receiving payments to one Bankwest account.

Once a PayID is registered in the PayID service with your account, the PayID may not be used in relation to any other account with us or with any other financial institution. You may, however, transfer a PayID (see clause 5 below).

The PayID system does not support duplicate PayIDs. If you try to register a PayID for an account which is identical to another PayID already registered in the PayID system, you will see the following message: “Duplicate PayID” (or similar). You can contact us to discuss duplicate PayIDs however we cannot disclose the details of any duplicate PayID.

5. Transferring your PayID

You can update your PayID details, transfer your PayID to another eligible account with us or to an account with another financial institution through Bankwest Online Banking. A transfer of your PayID to another account with us will generally be effective immediately, unless we notify you otherwise.

A transfer of your PayID to another financial institution is a two-step process initiated by you and completed by that financial institution. First, ask us via Bankwest Online Banking to put your PayID into a transfer state and then complete the transfer via your new financial institution. Until the transfer is complete, NPP payments to your PayID will be directed to your nominated account. If the other financial institution does not complete the transfer within 14 days, the transfer will be deemed to be ineffective and your PayID will remain with your existing account. You can request to transfer your PayID at any time. To transfer a PayID that you registered for an account at another financial institution to a nominated account at Bankwest, you will need to start the process with that financial institution.

6. Closing, locking and unlocking a PayID

To close your PayID, log into Bankwest Online Banking and follow the prompts. We will close your PayID within 24 hours of your instructions. You must notify us immediately if you no longer own or have authority to use your PayID, and de-register (i.e. close) your PayID.

We monitor PayID use to manage fraud. You acknowledge and consent to us locking your PayID if we reasonably suspect use of your PayID to procure NPP payments fraudulently. A locked PayID cannot be transferred, updated or used to receive an NPP payment.

You may request to unlock a locked PayID by logging in to Bankwest Online Banking and following the prompts.

7. Privacy

By registering your PayID you:

(a) consent to the recording and storage of your PayID and nominated account details (including your, and any joint account holder’s full legal name) (PayID Record) in the PayID service hosted by NPP Australia Limited, and to the extent that such recording and use constitutes a disclosure and use of “personal information” (within the meaning of the Privacy Act 1988), you consent to that disclosure and use;

(b) consent to payers’ financial institutions using your PayID Record for the purposes of constructing NPP payment messages, enabling payers to make NPP payments to you, disclosing your PayID name to payers for NPP payment validation, and for reasonable secondary purposes (such as tracing and investigations);

(c) acknowledge that the information you provide for the purposes of the PayID service is held outside Bankwest and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group;

(d) consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information to the parties participating in the NPP; and

(e) agree that, if you register a PayID to a joint account, you will advise the joint account holder of the content of this clause and tell them that:

  • we have been provided with and are holding personal information about the joint account holder and that they can contact us;
  • the personal information collected about the joint account holder will be used for the purposes set out above in this clause and that, without that information, these purposes could not be fulfilled;
  • the personal information collected about the joint account holder will usually be disclosed in the manner set out above in this clause; and
  • that the joint account holder has the right to access and correct the personal information we hold about them.

8. Changes to these PayID Terms and Conditions

We can change any of these PayID Terms and Conditions or impose or vary any fees and charges at any time.  We’ll act reasonably when exercising these rights and only do so for legitimate business purposes. Circumstances where we may make changes to the terms and conditions include, but are not limited to, those where there are changes in legal, payment scheme or other regulatory requirements affecting us, or changes in any system or product development or enhancement.

If you consider that you will be adversely affected by changes notified to you under this clause, you may end your use of the PayID service (see clause 6 above).

We may notify you of changes to these PayID Terms and Conditions by:

  • writing to you;
  •  the electronic means described in clause 1.8 of the Account Access Conditions of Use;
  • a notice on or with your nominated account statement; or
  • publishing a press advertisement in the national or local media.

The table below shows how and when we will tell you about any changes to these PayID Terms and Conditions. However, we don’t have to give you advance notice if we need to make changes to address a material and immediate risk – for example, to immediately restore or maintain the security of a system or an individual facility, including the prevention of systemic or individual criminal activity, including fraud.

Notice periods/methods

Change Minimum number of days’ notice Method of notice
Introduce a new fee or charge
30 days
In writing
Increase an existing fee or charge
30 days
In writing or by advertising in the national or local media
Change any other term or condition
No later than the day of change if the change is not unfavourable to you. If the change is unfavourable to you, 30 days.
In writing or by advertising in the national or local media
Introduce or change any Government tax or charge
No later than the day of change. However, we do not have to tell you about it if the government publicises the introduction or change.
In writing or by advertising in the national or local media
Minimum number of days’ notice
Method of notice
Introduce a new fee or charge
30 days
In writing
Increase an existing fee or charge
30 days
In writing or by advertising in the national or local media
Change any other term or condition
No later than the day of change if the change is not unfavourable to you. If the change is unfavourable to you, 30 days.
In writing or by advertising in the national or local media
Introduce or change any Government tax or charge
No later than the day of change. However, we do not have to tell you about it if the government publicises the introduction or change.
In writing or by advertising in the national or local media

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